Since 2012, 350 flood incidents have been reported in the catchments of Wootton Brook and Harpers Brook, however traditional flood schemes are not considered to be viable in these areas. West Northamptonshire Council's RAIN project has been selected under Defra's Flood and Coastal Innovation Program to explore how we can improve resilience to flooding in these types of situations.
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The RAIN project aims to implement a broad range of local measures that can work together to improve resilience to flooding in Northamptonshire. These actions include:
Property Flood Resilience, or PFR, is one of the measures currently being reviewed to help to reduce the impact of flooding on properties in the area. There is a wide range of PFR products available that aim to either limit flood water entering a property (resistance), or reduce the damage caused if internal flooding does occur (resilient adaptation).
To find out more about the RAIN Project, please visit:
Follow the instructions on the Comments form to pinpoint locations on the map and submit your experiences and views of flooding and flood risk in the local area.
Use the Layers pane to hide or show the map layers for the modelled flood depths and the catchment area.
The catchment boundary shows the area of land that drains into the brook. The flood depths are generated using computer modelling of flooding from rivers, surface water and from overflow of the drainage network.
Zoom in to a known location by clicking on the magnifying glass (top-left of map) and entering a town or postcode.
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